(Single Membership Program)

$127 Start-Up & Document

Processing Fee

$67 Month to Month Fee

Credit Analysis & Solution Plan

24/7 Online Client Dashboard Access

Monthly Credit Updates

Support via Email/Phone

Access to Credit Education via Email/Text

Unlimited Disputes

Results or Your Money-Back Guarantee

(Couples Membership Program)

$177 Start-Up & Document

Processing Fee

$127 Month to Month Fee

Credit Analysis & Solution Plan

24/7 Online Client Dashboard Access

Monthly Credit Updates

Support via Email/Phone

Access to Credit Education via Email/Text

Unlimited Disputes

Results or Your Money-Back Guarantee

Did you know that 80% of Credit Reports contain INACCURATE information causing a negative impact on your credit score? We are here to help you CORRECT your credit, so you can enjoy the credit that you DESERVE. You have suffered enough with INACCURATE credit and it has cost you too much!

Do Better Credit Solutions

4500 Mercantile Plaza Drive, Ste. #300

Fort Worth, TX 76137

(800) 379- 9128

Copyright 2022 Do Better Credit Solutions